1.) Tee ball is instructional. No outs or score will not be kept at any time.
2.) Games are 1 hour or 5 innings.
3.) Managers/Coaches are allowed and encouraged, as needed, to assist batters and fielders.
4.) Players will be given an opportunity to play every defensive position.
5.) Each team will have all of their players in the field. (There are no “bench” players)
6.) The batting order will be rotated each game.
7.) Each half inning the offensive team will bat through their entire lineup. The last hitter each half inning will result in a base clearing home run.
8.) Players begin the season hitting off of a tee. After the 3rd game of the season, with team managers approval, a player has the option to hit from a soft toss thrown by a coach.
9.) The player in the pitcher position should not leave the pitching rubber until the ball is hit.
10.) There is no catcher position in this division.
12.) Base runners are not to leave the base until the ball is put in play. No base stealing.
13.) All runners stop at the base they are in the act of running to when the baseball is or comes back to the infield. No advancing on an overthrow.
14.) For Saturday games, if there is a team waiting for the field at the conclusion of a game, please clear the dugout & field. Have team meetings off the field so we can keep all games on schedule.
15.) Players, volunteers, and parents please clean out the dugout and bleachers prior to leaving the field.
16.) West Pasco Little League is a NO SMOKING park. We do not allow the use of any tobacco products during practices and/or games except at the designated smoking areas located beyond the OF fences in left or right field of each field. This includes vaping and e-cigarettes. Failure to adhere could result in a fine.
Please remember the reason we all get involved is for the kids. Please make sure they learn not only the game of baseball but also good sportsmanship, discipline, and respect for others. Most of all HAVE FUN!!