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West Pasco Little League

AA or Machine Pitch Information

AA or Rookie division is for players who are league age 6 - 8 only.  In this division rosters range from 11-13 players per team, typically.  This division is focused on player development.  This is a machine pitch division but kid pitch may be introduced.  Players who are league age 6 may play in AA if they have played a season of tee-ball or alike. 

Rookie division games are  on Saturday with some weeknight games.  Typically if a game is scheduled during the week it would be on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday.  There may also be opportunities for teams to travel and play teams from other leagues.

The teams practice day(s) is determined by the team manager.  If specific day(s) of the week is/are not feasible for your family please be sure to include the special request portion when completing registration.   

Coach / Friend requests are considered but not guaranteed.  
WPLL strives for competitive balance using the statistics kept by each team the previous season.  Although we understand players wanting to continue to play with one another the goal as a league is to ensure teams are challenged each game for continuous development.

WPLL typically is seeking team managers for this division.  If you feel you can offer knowledge and structure for this age group please volunteer for a team role when registering.  WPLL does offer a coaching coordinator to assist with instruction and drills to make practice both fun and educational.   Volunteering leads to developing stronger relationships and significantly improves the experience for the youth of West Pasco. 

If this is not the right division for your player please click here to return to the previous page.

AA Division Rules

AA Division Rules

1.)  No new inning will begin after 8:00 PM for regular season games.  No new inning will begin after 8:15 PM for tournament games.  Once an inning is started it must be completed per normal baseball rules.  An inning officially starts when the last out is recorded in the previous inning.

2.)  All teams must use the Game Changer Team Manager app.  The home team is the official scorer.

3.)  No more than 5 volunteers, background check approved adults, are allowed in the dugout or on field at one time (must have 1 adult in the dugout at all times).  Defensive coaches must be in foul territory.  This includes the team manager, coaches, and team parent(s). 

4.)  Managers must exchange lineup and position cards (Full name and uniform number) prior to the game.  Any changes to the planned positions must be communicated to the opposing manager at the time of the change.  Blank print outs are available at the concession stand for team manager or assistant coach to pick up, if needed.  

5.)  In regular season games three (3) outs or five (5) offensive runs end a half inning.  In tournament games a maximum of five (5) runs per inning are allowed in innings 1-4, innings 5-6 are open scoring.

6.)  Each batter will be given up to six (6) pitches.  A fair hit ball, three (3) swing and misses, or failure to swing at the sixth (6) pitch ends a batters at bat.  Foul balls with (2) strikes continue an at bat until the batter has either put the ball in play, swung and missed for strike three, or failed to swing at the next pitch.

7.)  Runners are not allowed to advance beyond the base they are in the act of running to once an infielder has control of the baseball in the clay, including foul territory.  An overthrow by the defensive team on a ball put in play results in up to one additional base, at the runners own risk.  

8.)  There are no walks or base on balls in the machine pitch division.  There is no leading off or stealing bases in the machine pitch division.  

.)  In a regular season game every player is required to play an infield position at least once.  In tournament games players will play where the team manager assigns (no infield requirement).

10.)  Substitutions are to be rotated each game.  Therefore, in each game, all players sit one inning before any player sits for a second inning.  Any variation must be communicated to the opposing team manager. 

11.)  Consecutive batting order is in effect.  If a player is not playing in the field that inning the player will still bat their position in the batting order.

12.)  Each team will play with a maximum of 10 fielders, utilizing 4 outfielders.

13.)  If a team has less than ten players present for a scheduled game, that team shall “borrow” one or more players from the opposing team to complete its ten defensive positions. The opposing player(s) who are at the bottom of the offensive teams batting order will play for the defensive team, in the outfield ONLY.  Teams must suit 8 players in a tournament game or forfeit.  

14.)  If a thrown or batted ball comes in contact with the pitching machine or coach, the ball is declared dead. The batter and runners are awarded one base. Only runners that are forced to advance will advance one base.  The coach must make every attempt to avoid being hit by a thrown or batted ball.

15.)  After a teams 4th game of the season player pitch may be introduced.  Teams are to complete 3 innings of normal play (4th inning or after) after which a player who is league age 7 or 8 can pitch from the mound.  If 4 balls (non strikes) are thrown before 3 strikes are recorded on a batter the machine pitch will be used to complete that offensive players at bat.  Strikes carry over against the batter from the player pitch portion of their at bat.  Therefore the number of pitches remaining for a batter is decreased by the number of strikes recorded during the player pitch portion of the offensive players at bat (IE in a 2 strike count the batter can receive up to 4 pitches from the machine, following rule #6, or until a swing and miss records a third strike).  The manager/coach operating the machine pitch will call ball/strike during the player pitch portion of a game.  A batter who is hit by a pitch will be awarded 1st base.  Runners are not permitted to advance on wild pitches.  A pitcher will not pitch more than 1 inning or 3 outs per game.  No pitcher will pitch to more than 12 batters in an inning.  Any player who delivers a pitch is required to observe no less than a 2 day pitching rest before being permitted to enter as a pitcher of record in another game.  If a team does not have a player who can pitch safely that team can forego the player pitch portion the remainder of that game.  Player pitch is not included in the end of season tournament.

16.) All other rules will follow Blue Book rules.

17.)  For Saturday games, if there is a team waiting for the field at the conclusion of a game, please clear the dugout & field.  Have team meetings off the field so we can keep all games on schedule.

18.)  Players, volunteers, and parents please clean out the dugout and bleachers prior to leaving the field.

19.)  West Pasco Little League is a NO SMOKING park.  We do not allow the use of any tobacco products during practices and/or games except at the designated smoking areas which are located past the bullpens on the side of each field.  This includes vaping and e-cigarettes.

Please remember the reason we all get involved is for the kids.  Please make sure they learn not only the game of baseball but also good sportsmanship, discipline, and respect for others.  Most of all HAVE FUN!!

Registration Listing

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